Who are we ?

We are a team of multidisciplinary researcher, all believing in the importance of moving toward a sustainable transition.

Transition design

Transition design is a discipline that draws from various fileds such as service design, social innovation design and sustainable design. But it distinguishes itself through several aspects. Firstly, it utilizes the theory of living systems, specifically ecosystems, to understand and adress complex problems. Secondly, it focuses on designing solutions that protect and restore social environments and ecosystems, anchoring these systemic solutions within their respective ecosystems. Thirdly, it considers everyday life, or more precisely, lifestyles, as the fundamental context for design. Lastly, it aims to conceive solutions that operate on multiple scales and different timeframes. Its primary objective is to adress complex problems

New ways of practicing design are emerging from these three pillars of transition design: visions, thoeries of change, mindset and posture. Transition design claims to identify and work on situations with high potential for replicability and diffusion due to their density of connection with other envrionments and actors.

Transition design is not interested in isolated situations, but rather in networks and ecosystems.